8 Week Mindfulness Training Course

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programme (MBSR)

The next course will be run outdoors, in nature in Kent to experience the full benefit of combining mindfulness practices and our connection with nature.

Session Dates: 2025 programme to follow
Retreat Date: 

A unique opportunity to experience the value of being in nature to support mental and physical wellbeing, whilst gradually developing your own meditation practice.

The MBSR programme is evidence based, recognised all over the world and forms the foundation for further mindfulness training and retreat attendance. It is usually taught at indoor venues. However, I love to work outside where the power of nature and mindfulness can come together.

Suitable for anyone interested in becoming closer to nature and learning meditation techniques to reduce stress, anxiety, improve low mood or cope with pain in everyday life. The syllabus provides time to develop tools for self-care to help us perform at our best, build resilience and thrive.
Complete beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.

Mindfulness in Nature

This course is special because it combines the benefits of the gold standard MBSR curriculum with a connection with nature. We know that by spending time in natural green space, amongst trees, we can boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and support mental and physical health.  The two components of the course form a powerful partnership.

Meetings will take place outside in natural green space, amongst trees at a venue in Kent/Sussex.

Please refer to the links below for more information on research and evidence regarding Mindfulness courses.  I am currently updating research data on the benefits of connecting to nature. Watch this space or join my mailing list on the Contact Page for details.

Oxford University Mindfulness
Bangor University Mindfulness

About the Course

This consists of Eight weekly 2-hour outdoor sessions and a day retreat, access to guided audio recordings, learning resources, group discussion and home assignments (including daily 15 – 40mins meditation), 1:1 review and tutor support.

Course Fee: £ tbc          2025 details to follow

Before joining the course, there will be a registration form and taster session to help you decide whether the course is right for you.

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programme was first introduced by Jon Kabat
Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, whilst treating patients with anxiety, stress and chronic health conditions. Since then, many research studies have taken place in the U.K. involving the Psychology departments at Oxford, Bangor and Exeter Universities. There is now a growing body of clinical evidence that shows regular mindfulness meditation can significantly improve and maintain good mental health; allowing us to build resilience to cope with and to flourish in everyday life. Mindfulness has also been proven to enhance concentration, memory, creativity & reaction times.

“Really enjoyed the training overall. I think it has provided a strategy for dealing with stress/anxiety, over-work etc. I hope to improve work-life balance.”
“Excellent. It has made me far more aware that one can alter thinking patterns, attitudes and ways of dealing with issues.”
“I have found the course very useful and practical. The best bits for me were noticing feelings arising, identifying stress responses – using new ways to approach things at home and work.”

contact me to register